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TALi Digital - Entitlement Offer Letter to Ineligible Shareholders

This is a letter to inform you that you are not an Eligible Shareholder for the purposes of the Entitlement Offer. This letter is not an offer to issue New Shares to you, nor an invitation to apply for New Shares. You are not required to do anything in response to this letter but there may be financial implications for you as a result of the Entitlement Offer that you should be aware of.

On Friday, 18 March 2022, TALi Digital Limited (ASX: TD1, "TALi" or "the Company") announced that it was conducting a fully underwritten non-renounceable pro-rata entitlement offer ("Entitlement Offer") of new fully paid ordinary shares in TALi ("New Shares") on a 1 for 7 basis to eligible shareholders, at an issue price of A$0.011 per New Share ("Issue Price") to raise approximately A$1.68 million (before costs). 

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