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Melbana Energy - Alameda-1 Drilling Update


* Logging operations in the Marti structure completed
* Preparations underway to drill a short side-track well in order to safely conduct flow testing of the high pressure 300 mMD / 245 mTVD gross interval encountered in the Marti objective 

Melbana Energy Limited (ASX: MAY) (Melbana) reports that logging operations in the Marti structure of its Block 9 contract area, onshore Cuba (Melbana’s working interest 30%), have concluded.

The Marti structure is the updated interpretation of the subsurface environment and was the lowest and largest primary predrill target (and was previously known as the “I” structure) for the Alameda-1 well, the first of two exploration wells planned for Block 9.

Logs were acquired over 276 mMD of the Marti objective, however logs were not able to be acquired over the bottom 16 mMD, where the strongest influx of hydrocarbons was encountered. The quality of the data gathered was good and analysis is now underway. 

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