Mineral Deposits: ASX Investor Series Sydney

Company Presentations

by Carolyn Herbert

Mineral Deposits Limited’s (ASX:MDL) CEO Robert Sennitt presents at the ASX Investor Series in Sydney. 
“It’s a good time to be coming to talk to you. It’s taken the company a long time to get to where it is today and I’m very proud to be able to present the story to you.
As mentioned, there’s two different arms of the TiZir joint venture that we own with ERAMET. And, ERAMET is one of the big resource companies of the world with a big ownership by the French government.
Together we own the TiZir joint venture which comprises GCO [the Grande Côte mineral sands operation] which is the minerals sands mine in Senegal in West Africa.
And also, the TTI [Titanium & Iron ilmenite upgrading facility] smelter in Norway. And, effectively we take the raw material from GCO and take that across to TTI to upgrade into a high grade titanium slag..."

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