1-Page: ASX Spotlight Series

Company Presentations

by Carolyn Herbert

1-Page Limited (ASX:1PG) CEO & Managing Director Joanna Weidenmiller presents at ASX Spotlight Series in New York. 
The Silicon Valley-based company describes 1-Page as a revolutionary cloud-based human resources Software-as-a-Service platform.
The presentation is titled, “Next Generation of Sourcing and Assessment” and covers the group’s product offering and plans for expansion.  
Speaking about the global recruitment market Ms Weidenmiller says, “This is a massive market. It grew from last year, 2014/15 $US87 billion. It’s a huge sector. 
In the world there are 3 billion people in the work force. What is amazing, and there is about 112 million in the US, amazingly, every 2.4 years 100 per cent of that global market needs a new job. 
Only five years ago it was eight years, so it’s escalating and its escalating out of control. Actually in the next 15 years there is going to be 600 million new job seekers joining the workforce, so this is a really attractive industry”. 

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