The Niuminco group operates in the world class geological provinces of Papua New Guinea & Tasmania, Australia. 
In PNG, Niuminco has three highly prospective properties adjacent or close to existing large mines or deposits.  These include:
Edie Creek mining leases (83% interest) - an epithermal, gold/silver mine adjacent to MMJV's Hidden Valley mine.  The Edie Creek mining leases have all been recently renewed until 2021 and 2022.  Gold/silver production recommenced in February 2014.
May River exploration licence (100% interest) - major copper/gold porphyry style anomaly adjacent to PanAust's Frieda River deposit.
Bolobip exploration licence (100% interest) - a major 'drill ready' copper/gold porphyry target east of the Ok Tedi mine.
In Tasmania, Australia, Niuminco, through its 72.54% shareholding in TNT Mines Limited, controls and manages a suite of advanced exploration assets highly prospective for tin, tungsten, magnetite and fluorspar.  The initial focus is on the advanced Aberfoyle tin and tungsten project which includes the adjoining and nearby Lutwyche/Storey's Creek/Royal George and Great Pyramid deposits.
A recent JORC 2012 inferred mineral resource upgrade has been received for the Great Pyramid and Royal George deposits, with future upgrades for the Lutwyche  deposit.

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