Significant Near Surface Copper Intersected at Moorilyanna
- Shallow RAB / Aircore drilling has identified three near surface
strong copper anomalies at Moorilyanna
- The Caprica East anomaly extends over a strike of more than 900
- Grades up to 12m @ 0.2% Copper from surface
Musgrave Minerals Limited ("Musgrave Minerals") is pleased to announce that a combination of rotary air blast (RAB) and aircore drilling has successfully defined near surface copper mineralisation in weathered bedrock over a broad area at Moorilyanna.
The Moorilyanna Project is situated on wholly owned tenements located approximately 40km west of the Stuart Highway and Adelaide to Darwin railway line, in South Australia, on the eastern edge of the Musgrave Geological Province (Figure 1).
The drilling was undertaken on 10 broad spaced traverses in three main zones (Figure 2). A total of 142 holes were completed for 1,486 metres.
Results include:
Hole # Down Hole Intercept From Depth
(Down Hole)
MOORB 057 10m @ 0.23% Cu 4m
MOORB 067 12m @ 0.20% Cu 0m
MOORB 110 2m @ 0.17% Cu 11m
MOORB 058 16m @ 0.14% Cu 2m
MOORB 059 4m @ 0.12% Cu 8m
MOORB 019 4m @ 0.10% Cu 4m
MOORB 030 2m @ 0.11% Cu 2m
MOORB 031 2m @ 0.11% Cu 2m
MOORB 047 2m @ 0.11% Cu 0m
MOORB 111 2m @ 0.11% Cu 3m
Table 1: Summary of best drill results from initial Moorilyanna regolith drilling
All three main target areas were anomalous in copper with best results from the Caprica East zone (Figure 3). The Caprica East zone extends for more than 900 metres with a mineralised width of up to 80 metres. The mineralisation is open along strike to the north west and is associated with elevated silver and gold. The mineralisation is interpreted to be hydrothermal in nature and structurally controlled.
The significant copper results are located in an area of sparse subcrop and shallow sand cover. The broad nature of these initial results is extremely encouraging.
Musgrave Minerals Managing Director, Rob Waugh said: " We are encouraged by these early results from our first round of drilling and are eagerly looking forward to further defining the potential primary source of the copper and to undertake deeper drill testing of these targets."
Planned Program at Moorilyanna
An induced polarisation (IP) geophysical survey is planned to identify the potential source of the primary copper mineralisation for deeper drill testing.
A reverse circulation (RC) drilling program will be undertaken to test these fresh rock targets for high grade copper mineralisation in September/October.
Deering Hills Drilling
Musgrave Minerals is also continuing its maiden nickel-copper diamond drilling program at Deering Hills.
The program is testing nine strong nickel-copper sulphide targets identified from airborne and ground electromagnetic ("EM") surveys. Musgrave Minerals identified the targets during surveys conducted in late 2010 and early 2011. The drilling is planned to test the targets at a depth of between 60 and160 metres.
Mr Waugh said the company looked forward to providing further updates to investors as results become available.
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