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ImpediMed - 2021 Annual General Meeting - Chairman's Address

So welcome and thank you for joining us today. I hope that all of you and your families are healthy and are continuing to successfully navigate this pandemic.

As I begin my prepared remarks, I would like to extend our gratitude to our customers, who not only continued to serve our patients throughout the corona virus crisis, but also served on the front line caring for patients under very difficult conditions. During these challenging times, we are immensely proud and humbled to partner with such extraordinary physicians and healthcare workers.

As I reflect on this past year, there have been many extraordinary challenges as we have continued to respond and adjust to the impacts of COVID on society, healthcare and our business. Despite these continued COVID headwinds, ImpediMed and its Software-as a-Service business model has continued to thrive. In FY21, we delivered solid financial performance and achieved our key development milestones, as demonstrated by the recent release of the PREVENT clinical trial results. 

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