06 May, 2020 12:35 PM
Ingenia Communities Group (ASX:INA) announces that further to its ASX Announcement on 30 April 2020, the Security Purchase Plan (SPP) is now open for Eligible Ingenia Security Holders to apply for u...read more
30 Apr, 2020 10:50 AM
Ingenia Communities Group (INA) provides its Equity Raising Presentation which is authorised for release by the Ingenia Communities Group Board.
For further information, please download the...read more
30 Apr, 2020 10:41 AM
Ingenia Communities Group (the “Group”) (ASX: INA), requests a trading halt to be applied with effect from the commencement of trading on Thursday 30 April 2020, pursuant to ASX Listing ...read more
25 Mar, 2020 11:03 AM
Ingenia Communities Group (ASX: INA) provides the following update to the Group’s tradingactivity and FY20 guidance, in light of the uncertain environment and potential extendedduration of the...read more
18 Feb, 2020 09:56 AM
Ingenia Communities Group (INA) provides its 1H20 Property Portfolio which is authorised for release by the Ingenia Communities Group Company Secretary.
For more information, download the attache...read more
18 Feb, 2020 09:52 AM
Ingenia Communities Group (ASX: INA) today announced Underlying Profit of $26.5 million for the half year ending 31 December 2019, an increase of 52% on the previous corresponding period. Statutory ...read more
07 Jan, 2020 03:02 PM
Ingenia Communities Group (ASX: INA) provides the following update on the Group’s communities located on the NSW South Coast, and the impact of recent bush fire activity. None of the Group&rsq...read more
13 Dec, 2019 08:05 AM
S&P Dow Jones Indices announced today the changes in the S&P/ASX indices, effective at the open of trading on December 23, 2019. At this rebalance, the S&P/ASX 200 index hierarchy and th...read more