Compumedics Limited
(ASX:CMP) has announced that its German-based business, DWL, has received new orders totalling $700,000 from its long-term China distributor.
The company says the orders were for its diagnostic ultrasound technology (used to monitor brain blood flow) and that business in China grew by 15% p.a. in the past three years.
Compumedics has also engaged Steve Otto, the former chairman of Swedish medical-tech company, Elektra Neuromag.
The company says it brought Mr Otto on board to help commercialise Compumedics’ new brain analysis technology, CURRY MEG.
The company also says this new technology can potentially add incremental revenues of $10 million p.a. or more in the next two years.
Compumedics reported a net profit of $1.9 million at 31 December 2015.