The Board of Zeus Resosurces Limited ("Zeus"or "the Company") is pleased to advise that it has today appointed three new directors. Two new directors have been appointed by Zhengyan International Mining Company Limited, and one by Vast Honour Global Limited as foreshadowed in the company's prospectus lodged on 14 November 2012.
Resignation of Director - Mr Ian de Renzie Duncan
As the constitution of Zeus only allows for a maxium of five (5) Directors, and it was considered prudent to retain the two independent directors Mr Greg Hall and Dr Michael Etheridge, Mr Ian de Renzie Duncan has resigned as a Director. Mr Duncan remains Chief Executive Officer. Mr Duncan was a founder of Zeus and has been pivotal in the formation of the Company, its capital raisings and has contributed significantly to Zeus from its establishment. The Board thanks Mr Duncan for his considerable efforts as a Director.
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