On Monday, 3 June 2024, Immutep Limited ACN 009 237 889 (ASX: IMM) (Immutep or Company) announced a fully underwritten placement to institutional investors of new fully paid ordinary shares in Immutep (New Shares) (Placement) and an accelerated non-renounceable pro rata entitlement offer to eligible shareholders to subscribe for 1 New Share for every 16 existing fully paid ordinary shares in Immutep (Shares) held as at 7.00pm (Sydney, Australia time) on the record date (being Wednesday, 5 June 2024) (Record Date) (Entitlement) at an issue price of A$0.38 per New Share (Entitlement Offer and, together with the Placement, the Offer).
The Entitlement Offer comprises an institutional component (Institutional Entitlement Offer) and an offer to Eligible Retail Shareholders (as defined below) to participate on the same terms (Retail Entitlement Offer).
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