Woomera Mining

Exploring the highly prospective Gawler Craton and Musgrave Province in South Australia and an extensive lithium tenement portfolio in Western Australia

Formed in 2014 to build exploration tenure in the Woomera Prohibited Area following the relaxing of access arrangements by the Department of Defence. Since then have added tenements in the Musgrave Province, the Pilbara and South East Yilgarn

Latest Media Releases

Musgrave Province Tenement Renewed

24/07/2018 12:02:00

Woomera Mining Limited (ASX:WML, Woomera) is pleased to announce that Exploration Licence 5287 which was granted on 25th June 2013 and expired on 24th June 2018 has been renewed as EL 6180 for a term …

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