Hunter Hall Global Value

The Hunter Hall Global Value Fund (ASX: HHV) is a Listed Investment Company (LIC) that has traded on the ASX since 19 March 2004.

The sole purpose of a LIC is to manage investments on behalf of its shareholders. They are often referred to as closed-end funds. HHV gives investors easy access to a diversified portfolio of 40-60 global equities, including a strategic allocation to Australian equities, that is managed by Hunter Hall. 

Investors can become shareholders in HHV by purchasing the company's shares through any stockbroker or on-line broker. 

Investing in HHV gives you:

  • exposure to Hunter Hall’s proven investment experience and expertise
  • real portfolio diversity with exposure to small and medium stocks in a range of countries and sectors
  • access to global stocks via the ASX.
  • a portfolio positioned to do no harm in the world to either animals, people or the environment 

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