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MinRex Resources - Outstanding Assays at MRR Tambourah North Lithium Project

* Large pegmatites hosting visible Spodumene and Lepidolite have been identified over the Tambourah North Project area.
* Rock chip assays confirmed lithium-tantalum mineralisation:
-- 2.56% Li2O, 1.59% Li, 105 ppm Cs, 80 ppm Ta, 40 ppm Nb, 100 ppm Sn, 1,293 ppm Rb.
-- 1.91% Li2O, 1.19% Li, 518 ppm Cs, 370 ppm Ta, 150 ppm Nb, 2,542 ppm Rb.
* Tambourah North Project hosts large, stacked pegmatites over 1.5km length by 150m in width.
* Tambourah North pegmatites stacked at surface in goldilocks zone in the Granite-Greenstone of the Pilbara Supergroup and have visible coarse and fine grained Spodumene & Lepidolites with zoning along strike and across strike.
* The sampled Ta-Nb enriched pegmatites are considered to be part of zoned LCT pegmatite swarms with exploration ongoing to identify more extensive lithium-rich pegmatites.
* The potassic geophysical survey over Haystack Well potentially has outlined buried pegmatites which could explain the source of strongly elevated surface lithium results.
* Encouraging indicators for LCT pegmatite over Shaw River based on anomalous Rubidium (710 ppm Rb) and Tin (120 ppm Sn) assay results.
* The identification of extensive untested zones over Haystack Well Project confirmed anomalous tin-tantalum-rubidium results shows strong indicator of localised LCT pegmatites.
* Advancing Heritage Agreement and Heritage Surveys over Marble Bar Lithium Projects adjacent to the Global Lithium Resources Archer Deposit (ASX:GL1 hosting 10.1Mt @ 1.0% Li).
* Ian Shackleton (ex-Global Lithium Resources Archer Deposit founding geologist) appointed as Exploration Manager. 

MinRex Resources Limited (ASX: MRR) (“MinRex” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the results from its recent field program the Company’s Lithium Projects in the East Pilbara of WA. In February 2022, MinRex conducted a first pass helicopter reconnaissance program over the new acquired Lithium-Tin-Tantalum Projects, which involved rock chip sampling of the identified pegmatites on the ground. Assay results received have validated previously reported lithium mineralisation from the previous project owners through the observation of spodumene and lepidolite mineralisation.

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