Key Highlights
AstraZeneca extends its contract for a Phase IIb trial, which utilises 210 SOZO® devices to measure fluid volume in patients with chronic kidney disease, for an additional 8 months.
The extension of the trial will generate over $1.0 million of additional revenue, which will be recognised over the remainder of the 2023 financial year.
In total, over $6.7 million in contract value has been signed under the various AstraZeneca trial agreements.
ImpediMed Limited (ASX.IPD), today announced the details of the third contract extension related to the use of the SOZO Digital Health Platform in a clinical trial being conducted for AstraZeneca. The Phase IIb trial is using the SOZO to track patient fluid volume in a pharmaceutical study focused on chronic kidney disease. The trial has been extended from 21 months to 29 months, with 210 SOZO devices being utilised in the extension.
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