Next Science (ASX:NXS) - breakthrough antimicrobial technologies


by Melissa Darmawan

Next Science Limited (ASX:NXS) Founder and Chief Technology Officer Dr Matthew Myntti talks about the problem of biofilms, Next Science's antimicrobial technologies and the company's recent FDA approval.

Melissa Darmawan: Hello. Melissa Darmawan for the Finance News Network. Joining me from Next Science (ASX:NXS) is Chief Technology Officer Dr Matthew Myntti. Matthew, nice to meet you, and welcome to FNN.

Dr Matthew Myntti: Very nice to meet you. Thank you for taking the time today.

Melissa Darmawan: You're welcome. First up, can you start off with an introduction to the company?

Dr Matthew Myntti: So, Next Science is a company that started in 2012, and in 2019 we publicly listed. We're developing treatments for bacterial infections, preventing of surgical site infections, and treatments of known infections on patients.

Melissa Darmawan: And what is biofilm, and why is it important to the human race that we have answers to biofilms?

Dr Matthew Myntti: So, biofilm is a protective mechanism by which bacteria protect themselves. About 90 per cent of bacteria actually exist in biofilms, not in planktonic form. And it is that protective structure that they build around themselves that allows them to be resistant to antibiotics, leads to a lot of antibiotic resistance, and makes a serious problem in surgical sites when you get a biofilm forming that can't be treated.

Melissa Darmawan: And what led you to finding an answer for biofilms?

Dr Matthew Myntti: So, the majority of people that were working on biofilms previously were all microbiologists, and they were looking at metabolistic interactions that were happening with the bacteria, the way that they live, the way they exist. Whereas my PhD is in material science and engineering, so I looked at this from a structural standpoint. So, we physically deconstruct the structures that actually hold the biofilm together and then pretty easily kill the bacteria within. So, it's just a different way of looking at it than it's previously been done.

Melissa Darmawan: Biofilms have been known for a long time. Why hasn't anyone else found the answer?

Dr Matthew Myntti: Again, this goes back to the point that these were microbiologists looking at this, and they were looking at the way that bacteria actually live and exist, and not looking at the structures. We take this kind of brute force structural approach and just break everything down chemically, so it's a physical approach rather than a microbiological approach.

Melissa Darmawan: And congratulations on your most recent FDA approval. What does that mean for Next Science and your product portfolio?

Dr Matthew Myntti: So, Next Science has been an R&D company for a long time. This is a new product that's launching that can be used at all surgical applications. And it's a wash that prevents surgical site infections, so it makes a huge difference for patients. And it's the first product that's allowed to be left in, so we actually get this anti-biofilm effect for a prolonged period after you close. So, hopefully, it can make a huge difference to patients and caregivers in preventing those infections, especially when there's an implant in the body.

Melissa Darmawan: Dr Matthew Myntti, thanks for the update. Look forward to hearing from you later in the year.

Dr Matthew Myntti: Thank you so much.


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