Native Title holders upgrade of Legune Station reaches first community milestone with Seafarms Group (ASX:SFG)

Company News

by Rachael Jones

Sustainable aquaculture company Seafarms Group (ASX:SFG) has reached its first community development milestone at Native Title holders’ upgrade of the Legune Station.

Native Title holders in the Top End of the Northern Territory have been working with the Northern Land Council’s Community Planning and Development Program to complete an upgrade of their outstation at Marralum on Legune Station.

Seafarms is developing Project Sea Dragon, a prawn aquaculture project across five sites that includes a grow-out facility at Legune Station that will produce more than 150,000 tonnes of black tiger prawns.

Shares in Seafarms Group (ASX:SFG) closed 1.4 per cent higher at $0.07 yesterday.

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