Coca-Cola Amatil
(ASX:CCL) report statutory net profit after tax (NPAT) of $168.0 million for the half year, up 6.3 per cent on the prior corresponding period.
Statutory earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) is up 4.7 per cent to $273.5 million, up 4.7 per cent.
As expected, EBIT was impacted by investment in marketing and container deposit schemes.
Performance in New Zealand was good and there was solid profit growth from Fiji and strong sales growth in Indonesia and in Papua New Guinea from operational improvements.
Shareholders will get 4 cents a share special dividend from the sale of SPC food business, an increase of 6.4 per cent.
Shares in Coca-Cola Amatil
(ASX:CCL) are trading 4.69 per cent higher at $10.93.