LiveTiles partners with CESMII

Company News

by Kathy Skantzos

Global software company LiveTiles (ASX:LVT) has announced a strategic partnership with the US Department of Energy-backed Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII).

The partnership will focus on promoting efficiency, growth and competitiveness in the US manufacturing industry using LiveTiles’ artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

The company said the collaborative partnership provides a strong opportunity to further drive revenue growth by delivering AI solutions to the industry.

The company said a key focus is to reduce complexity and drive manufacturing efficiency, with the AI-powered technology aiming to improve the way workers interact with manufacturing machinery and robotics.

LiveTiles will implement its design and collaboration software to help the institute utilise existing technology in the manufacturing industry as well as scope the potential to develop AI-based workplace solutions that simplify the use of machinery and streamline the supply chain.

Shares in LiveTiles (ASX:LVT) closed 6 per cent higher yesterday at $0.44.

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