MMA Offshore to sell Dampier and Broome Supply Bases

Company News

by Jessica Amir

MMA Offshore Limited (ASX:MRM) has announced it will sell its Dampier and Broome Base Supply assets to Toll Group.

The marine service provider will realise $44.1 million from the sale of the Dampier Supply Base, which operates in the North West Shelf of Western Australia.

The company will also realise $8.7 million from its 50% interest in the Toll Mermaid Logistics Broome base.

The transactions will reduce MMA Offshore’s debt over the course of the 2017 financial year. The sales are also subject to regulatory approvals.

MMA Limited (ASX:MRM) reported a net loss of $45.4 million for the half year ending 31 December 2016.

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