The Board of Zeus Resources Limited (“Zeus” or “the Company”) is very pleased to advise that it has today appointed Mr Peter Williamson as Chief Executive Officer of Zeus effective immediately. As shareholders are aware, Dr Mike Etheridge was appointed as interim CEO until such time as a replacement was able to be secured. As the Company has now secured Mr Williamson, Dr Etheridge has resigned as interim CEO also effective immediately, but remains as Deputy Chairman. The Board thanks Dr Etheridge for his considerable efforts during this transition period.
Peter Williamson is a highly energetic CEO with proven international business experience in the global resource sector, including Asia, both in public and private company environments. He specialises in the strategic development of companies and has been instrumental in the successful establishment of a range of internationally profitable businesses. He has an entrepreneurial approach to business and an ability to drive a company from concept through strategic planning to commercialisation. Peter’s ability to focus the company’s strategy on growing shareholder value through share price appreciation will be a great asset to Zeus.
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