19 November 2012 - Zeus Resources Limited (ASX Code to be ZEU) has lodged a prospectus with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) for its Australian Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). The ASX listing is targeted for 6 December 2012.
67,650,000 shares will be offered at A$0.20 per share to raise A$13,530,000. The offer is made up of two separate offers. Zeus Resources has secured a cornerstone agreement with Zhengyuan International Mining Co. Limited (ZIMC) which provides for subscription for 57,650,000 shares at A$0.20 per share for A$11,530,000.
The public offer consisting of a total of 10,000,000 shares at A$0.20 to raise a maximum of A$2,000,000.
Zeus Resources Chairman, Dr Michael Etheridge said, "Zeus secured the cornerstone agreement with Zhengyuan International Mining Co. Limited on 16 July 2012".
"We view Zhengyuan International Mining Co. Limited as a strategic partner given the company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese State-Owned Enterprise China Metallurgical Geology Bureau (CMGB)," he said.
China Metallurgical Geology Bureau is a major Chinese State-Owned Enterprise focused on multi- commodity mineral exploration development and mining.
It has more than 32,000 employees and assets worth approximately A$1.5 Billion.
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