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WPG Advises Tarcoola Gold Project Feasibility Study Nears Completion

WPG Resources Ltd (ASX:WPG) is pleased to advise that the feasibility study for the development of its Tarcoola gold project in South Australia is close to being completed.
The column leach testwork for the proposed heap leach project has been extended to 70 days to better determine final leach results. Completion of the feasibility study is awaiting final post-test analysis and reporting of this testwork. These metallurgical reports are anticipated to be received in the next few weeks.
The feasibility study is being prepared by WPG with technical and engineering inputs from a number of professionally independent consulting companies, each expert in their own field. The feasibility study is considering mining production rates between 250,000 and 350,000 tonnes per annum, mining ore from a single large and a smaller satellite open pit and processing using a proven heap leach approach to the recovery of gold.
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