Bowdens Silver Project
• Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in the final stages before submission for
Development Consent.
• Gravity data acquired has provided substantial targets for intrusive mineralised
sources in immediate proximity to the existing Bowdens resource.
• Diamond drill campaign of up to 4000 metres commenced (subsequent to the end
of the quarter).
• The drilling program will test:
o Extensions of the Northwest very high-grade silver zone and the Bundara
Deeps massive sulphide discovery that includes gold and copper.
o Significant gravity responses immediately west of the Bowdens deposit
interpreted to be the mineralisation source porphyry intrusion.
Barabolar Project
• Expanded soil program and gravity survey has been completed.
• Deep drill program planning advanced.
Tuena Gold Project
• Substantial gold in soil anomalism over a 5.4km by 1.5km corridor.
• Airborne magnetics and radiometrics survey complete.
For the full report, please download the attached PDF.
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