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Sequoia Financial Group - Declaration of Unacceptable Circumstances

The Panel has made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances (Annexure A) in relation to an application dated 15 May 2024 by Sequoia Financial Group Limited (Sequoia) in relation to its affairs (see TP24/23).


Sequoia is an ASX-listed company (ASX code: SEQ).

Mr Anthony Jones and his controlled entities including Cojones Pty Ltd (Cojones) and Vonetta Pty Ltd (Vonetta) (together, A. Jones Group) have a relevant interest in 17,019,470 Sequoia shares (12.94% of the issued voting shares).

Mr Brent Jones is the son of Anthony Jones. Brent Jones and his controlled entity Unrandom Pty Ltd (Unrandom) have a relevant interest in 10,724,746 Sequoia shares (8.15% of the issued voting shares).

Mr Michael Glennon is the Chairman of Glennon Small Companies Limited (GC1), an ASX-listed investment company for which Glennon Capital Pty Ltd acts as investment manager (together, Glennon Capital). Glennon Capital has a relevant interest in 8,644,723 Sequoia shares (6.57% of the issued voting shares).

On 4 April 2024, the following documents (among others) were sent to Sequoia...

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