Emerging domestic natural gas and helium producer Renergen wishes to update shareholders on the current inclined drilling programme. The first well in the programme, using a percussion rig, was unable to reach the casing point at the base of the Karoo sedimentary section after the bottom hole assembly was irretrievably lost following a drill string rupture. As the drilling was on a turnkey basis, and at no drilling cost to the company until the base Karoo was successfully penetrated, it was decided to abandon this well rather than attempt to retrieve the lost assembly. Following the abandonment of this well, the Company has revised its drilling programme so that the future wells will entail drilling sub-vertically to the base of Karoo casing point, and then drilling out of casing to intersect the target gas bearing fault structures at increased inclination using a newly available rotary rig with directional drilling capabilities.
The Company has been fortunate to source this fit-for purpose rotary drilling rig which is now being mobilized to site.
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