Jack Hills Expansion Project – Federal Environmental Assessment
Murchison Metals Limited (“Murchison”) is pleased to advise that the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (“SEWPaC”) has determined that the proposed Jack Hills Expansion Project (“JHEP”) is not a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (“EPBC Act”) and therefore does not require further assessment under the EPBC Act.
Murchison and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd each hold a 50% interest in Crosslands Resources Ltd (“Crosslands”), which owns and operates the Jack Hills iron ore project in the mid-west region of WA.
SEWPaC’s determination represents a significant step in the approvals process for the JHEP project. As reported previously, Crosslands’ application for approval under Part IV of the State Environmental Protection Act is currently being considered by the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia.
Final state environmental approvals for the JHEP are anticipated in the September Quarter 2011.
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