Empire Oil & Gas NL (“Empire”) as Operator of Exploration Permit EP437 is pleased to announce that the Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) has granted Approval to Drill the Dunnart-2 exploration well.
The Operator will drill Dunnart-2 once it has negotiated and finalised the following:
- Executed a Land Access Agreement reflecting the agreed terms with the landowner;
- Obtained any Approvals as required with the local shire for the installation of the drilling camp;
- Awarding of the services contracts required to carry out the drilling programme; and
- Executed the agreed terms of the Drilling Contract.
In this regard Drilling Contractors of Australia (DCA) has allocated their DCA Rig 7 to Empire to drill Dunnart-2.
Empire is actively pursuing these matters and when completed will provide the time frame for commencement of drilling operations.
The Dunnart-2 oil prospect play style consists of a fault dependent closure located updip from the Dunnart-1 well, which had oil shows. The well has a total depth of 670 metres. The primary reservoir objective is the Bookara Sandstone sealed by the Triassic aged Kockatea Shale.
There is provision in the Dunnart-2 drilling programme to conduct an open hole drill stem test upon recording live oil shows while drilling.
For further information please download PDF below: