Commissioners Gold Limited (ASX:CGU) is pleased to advise that work on the Mollehuaca gold plant in southern Peru is now focussed on plant optimisation ahead of first gold production.
CGU holds a 25% indirect equity interest in Mollehuaca through Goldsmith Resources. Current work comprises completion of the few outstanding components, including the tailings field, installation of the secondary ball mill and remedial work on the water supply well.
Australian engineers are currently undertaking a final pre-commissioning inspection of the plant, and overseeing rectification work on the dam for tailings impoundment.
The plant commissioning delay has provided an opportunity for ‘bugs’ in the treatment process to be addressed. Major plant components have already been tested during a ‘dry’ run at site, which will be followed up immediately on completion of the tailings field with a ‘wet’ commissioning using ore, most likely to be sourced from the Saulito project.
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