- Patent for the treatment of surgical adhesions via midkine targeting by nucleotide based drugs allowed in the US;
- Comprehensive protection over antibodies, DNA/RNA antisense and RNA interference agents.
SYDNEY, 10 February 2014: Cellmid Limited
(ASX:CDY) Notice of Allowance has been issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for Cellmid’s patent application 13/539,247 entitled "Preventative for Adhesion Following Abdominal Surgery". This patent protects the use of midkine (MK)-specific DNA and RNA antisense molecules that disrupt MK expression and prevent the formation of surgical adhesions.
This patent complements the already granted US patent 10/547,011 entitled "Agents for Preventing Post-Laparotomy Adhesions" (CDY: ASX Announcement 18 April 2012), which covers the use of anti-midkine antibodies. Other patents in this family have already been granted in Japan and are under examination in Europe. The surgical adhesion patents make up one of the five key families which provide the company’s dominant intellectual property position over the treatment of inflammatory diseases by targeting midkine.
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