Arc Exploration Limited (ASX Code: ARX) has received the results of a further four holes drilled at its Trenggalek Project in East Java. The program at Trenggalek is testing a number of areas that have the potential to prove up
new gold resources.
Three holes drilled on the Timahan Prospect (TRDD050, TRDD052 & TRDD053) have tested two linear zones of surface gold mineralization hosted in silicified limestone ("jasperoid") on the eastern side of the prospect. Shallow trenching over these two zones produced up to 28 m at 0.29 g/t gold and 13 m at 0.74 g/t gold from continuous-chip samples taken across the silicified outcrops.
TRDD050 and TRDD052 are located about 250 m apart along the Macan Zone. These holes returned down-hole intercepts of 1.5 m at 0.18 g/t gold from 72.5 m in TRDD050 and 10.25 m at 0.21 g/t gold from 13.25 m in
TRDD053 was drilled about 500 m south of TRDD048 along the Genteng Zone, which lies about 300 m east of Macan. TRDD053 returned a down-hole intercept of 13 m at 0.23 g/t gold from 4.6 m.
These initial holes confirm low-grade disseminated gold mineralization in silicified limestone ("jasperoid") that is coincident with elevated arsenic and antimony. The holes have only tested a small part of the large silica capping at Timahan and may comprise a halo of low-grade gold adjacent to higher grade feeder structures.
TRDD051 was drilled at the Kojan Prospect at the very southern end of the Kenong Vein. The hole returned a down-hole intercept of 6.5 m at 0.17 g/t gold and 1 g/t silver from 126.0 m and is located about 50 m further south along strike from TRDD049. Both these holes are about 50 m away from TRDD035, which previously returned a strong down-hole intersection of 1.9 m at 11.28 g/t gold & 293 g/t silver.
The latest results at Kojan indicate the Kenong vein has pinched at its southern end and potential for an ore shoot in this part of the vein has been downgraded.
A summary of drill-hole details and mineralised intercepts is attached.
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