Arc Exploration Limited (ASX Code: ARX) is pleased to report that drilling is continuing at its Trenggalek Project in East Java as part of a 15,000 metre drilling program planned for this year. The program at Trenggalek is testing a number of areas that have the potential to prove up new gold and gold-copper resources.
The first rig commenced drilling on 10 May at the Suruh Prospect in the northern part of the Trenggalek tenement. A second drill rig has now arrived on site and commenced drilling at Timahan.
Drilling at Suruh will test for gold-bearing veins and stockworks beneath extensive gold bearing breccias. This target has potential for an underlying gold deposit in a similar setting to the Toka Tindung deposit in North
Drilling at Timahan is testing for epithermal gold veins and possibly replacement-style gold mineralisation associated with a large 3km x 2km silica-breccia cap in limestone and volcaniclastic rocks.
Results from the drilling at Trenggalek will be released at the earliest opportunity.
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