27 Feb, 2024 10:20 AM
Key Highlights for First Half FY2024:
$5.3M revenue with a significant reduction in cost base: Total revenue of $5.3m, stable on pcp, and $1.4m in expense reductions produces a positive...read more
31 Jan, 2024 09:45 AM
Key Highlights:
-- Positive operating cash flow in 1H FY24: Net operating cash flow was seasonally stronger in Q1 and seasonally weaker in Q2, with overall positive operating cash flow for 1H FY2...read more
26 Oct, 2023 12:55 PM
Key Highlights:
-- Positive operating cash flow: Q1 FY24 delivers net operating cash inflow of $1.6m, up 42% on pcp, driven by a seasonally strong first quarter of cash receipts of $4.2m, and a r...read more
31 Jul, 2023 09:01 AM
Key Highlights:
-- Total FY23 cash receipts up 13% on pcp: Q4 FY23 cash receipts of $2.2m including $0.8m R&D rebate, with an additional $3.0m received from customers to date in July. Total F...read more
27 Apr, 2023 10:43 AM
Key Highlights:
Strong cash receipts: Q3 FY23 cash receipts of $3.1m, up 52% on Q3 FY22, driven largely by timing of annual license fees from two Enterprise customers.
Steady An...read more
23 Feb, 2023 12:08 PM
Key Highlights:
-- Strong revenue growth: Total revenue of $5.3m in 1H FY23, up 19% on 1H FY22, driven by a 25% increase in recurring license and support fees, due to increased average revenue pe...read more
30 Jan, 2023 08:29 AM
Key Highlights:
-- Strong first half cash receipts: Total cash receipts of $6m in 1H FY23, up 24% on 1H FY22. Knosys has high variability in quarterly cash inflows due to strong seasonality in an...read more
19 Jan, 2023 08:22 AM
Knosys Limited (ASX: KNO), a global software-as-a-service (SaaS) information technology company, is pleased to announce that Optus has signed an additional one (1) year contract extension for the co...read more
02 Dec, 2022 09:54 AM
Knosys Limited (ASX: KNO), (“Knosys” or the “Company”), a global software-as-a-service (SaaS) information technology company offering a range of software solutions designed t...read more