Oventus is an Australian medical device company and is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: OVN). We offer a new treatment modality for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) via our Airway Technology. We are committed to providing the highest quality corporate governance and the generation of sustainable, long-term returns for our shareholders. Our mission is to be a global leader in the treatment of snoring and OSA. What makes us unique is our patented airway design, allowing for breathing through our O2VentTM oral devices to bypass obstructions of the nose, soft palate and tongue that can contribute to snoring and OSA. The O2VentTM is bridging the gap between Oral Appliance and CPAP therapy to enhance treatment outcomes, including for CPAP intolerant sleep apnoea sufferers.
07/08/2020 17:27:00
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