RFC Ambrian: Lithium Projects Review

Company News

by Peter Milios

This article was originally published on 30 November 2023.

In August 2023, RFC Ambrian released a comprehensive sector report on the Lithium Market titled “Deficits Still on the Horizon But the Pace of New Supply is Picking Up.” The report delved into the global lithium commodity market, discussing potential risks and opportunities associated with lithium supply chain developments.

Lithium, being a relatively young commodity, has witnessed industry-wide rationalisation through mergers and acquisitions in recent years. In recent months, the sector has garnered significant attention due to high-value takeover battles involving Australian lithium companies.

RFC Ambrian has now released their follow-up report, "Lithium Projects Review," which extends the sectoral overview. This report evaluates recent lithium M&A activities and provides a closer examination of lithium development projects. The primary focus is on new projects that RFC Ambrian believes have the potential to become targets for future industry consolidation, either through outright takeovers or third-party entities taking substantial interests in these projects.

To view the report, please click here.

Peter Milios

Peter Milios is a recent graduate from the University of Technology - majoring in Finance and Accounting. Peter is currently working under equity research analyst Di Brookman for Corporate Connect Research.

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