RIU Sydney Resources Round-up Event Manager, Doug Bowie, talks about this year’s event, company line-up and what investors can expect to learn.Carolyn Herbert: Hello. I'm Carolyn Herbert from the Finance News Network, and joining me from Vertical Events to discuss the upcoming 2017 RIU Sydney Resources Round-up is event manager Doug Bowie. Doug, welcome to FNN.
Doug Bowie: Thanks, Carolyn.
Carolyn Herbert: Now, can you start by telling us a bit about the 2017 RIU Sydney Resources Round-up?
Doug Bowie: Yes. It started off in 2004. We were looking for a conference to work on the east coast of Australia after being involved in Western Australia and Queensland as well beforehand. And it's now probably the largest corporate resources investor show on the east coast. We've got now 49 companies presenting and six keynote presentations, and it's being held at the Sofitel Wentworth in the financial district here in Sydney. It's also part of, now, the New South Wales Minerals Week, which has been authorised by the government, which includes presentations and conferences by the government and the Minerals Council.
Carolyn Herbert: So, Doug, we've seen a remarkable turnaround in the mining space in the price of commodities over the past year. So, what's the consensus outlook for commodities going forward?
Doug Bowie: Well, we've definitely had a big return at the start of the year after four years of malaise, but it has settled down a touch over the last couple of months, which is probably a good sign, that the rise we had couldn't be sustained. And now it's levelled off, we think it's going to be a lot better in the next two years.
Carolyn Herbert: So, Doug, taking a look at the line-up, which companies are going to be presenting, and who are some of the keynote speakers?
Doug Bowie: Well, I'd say, over the companies, we've got a large range of resources and also commodities and so on, including Corazon
(ASX:CZN), Peel Mining
(ASX:PEX), Xanadu Mines
(ASX:XAM), Kin Mining
(ASX:KIN), Danakali
(ASX:DNK) and Gascoyne Resources
(ASX:GCY), so all very good companies. Out of the keynotes, we're looking at the main two being Warwick Grigor of Far East Capital, with Justin Smirk of Westpac Banking Corporation
(ASX:WBC), who you quite often see on the TV many times, as well as talks from CRU, Austex Mining, CSA Global and, to close the show, we always have Noah's Rule, which is a very entertaining talk as well.
Carolyn Herbert: And, Doug, over the past 12 months, lithium really has become a hot commodity, so which companies from this sector are presenting?
Doug Bowie: Yep, there's not just lithium companies, Carolyn, but all the battery minerals companies, so we've got cobalt, we've got lithium, we've got rare earths, we've got graphite and many other elements as well involved in those battery minerals. So, it's a big hot area. The companies that we've got are, you know, companies like Corazon, Black Rock Mining
(ASX:BKT), we've got Core Exploration
(ASX:CXO), we've got Auroch Minerals
(ASX:AOU), and many others as well. So, it's a large range of companies we've got.
Carolyn Herbert: And finally, Doug, where can we find more information about the event?
Doug Bowie: Best place to go is our website, which is www.verticalevents.com.au. There's a point there for the Sydney Resources Round-Up. You can click, look at the program, also register online. If there are any investors out there who are not employed in the resources industry, they can give our office a call on (08) 9388 2222.
Carolyn Herbert: Doug Bowie, thanks for the update, and good luck with the event.
Doug Bowie: Thank you very much, Carolyn.