At SomnoMed patients suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea are at the center of our attention. We are aware that the majority of patients diagnosed with this chronic disease cannot tolerate the treatment offered with CPAP masks, are remaining untreated and are suffering severe impacts on their daily lives.
SomnoMed offers COAT (Continuous Open Airway Therapy) – a clinically proven alternative therapy - which improves the condition in over 90% of all cases and delivers medical success in over two thirds of diagnosed patients.
As global leaders in this therapy we constantly aim to deliver to patients, insurers and medical specialists treatment with a device which is very comfortable to use, durable and precision custom made to ensure an easy process of fitting the device by our global network of trained dentists.
All our products are clinically proven, have received regulatory approvals, and are produced under strict ISO 13485 manufacturing standards. SomnoMed has exceeded 200,000 patients (2014) fitted with its devices and achieved an immaculate clinical track record with a complete absence of cases showing severe side effects, malpractice or any other legal action taken against our company.
We believe that the future will continue to show an accelerating shift from CPAP to COAT based on the facts that patient compliance is significantly higher, treatment outcome is better and treatment costs are lower with SomnoMed COAT than those offered by CPAP. Our future growth will be generated through the constantly growing acceptance of COAT by medical specialists and insurers and through the continuous growth of diagnosed patients.