-- Placement of Entitlement Offer Shortfall of approx. $3.20m from institutional and sophisticated investors
-- Takes the total amount subscribed under the entitlement offer and entitlement offer shortfall placement to $7.66m (before costs)
-- Current approximate cash position of $15m1 which will fund the advancement of the Company’s clinical trials programs in Glioblastoma, Gastrointestinal Tumours and Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Sydney, Australia, 18 January 2024: Chimeric Therapeutics Limited (ASX:CHM, Chimeric or the Company), an Australian leader in cell therapy, announced on 25 October 2023 a non-renounceable entitlement Offer providing eligible shareholders an opportunity to subscribe for 2 new fully paid ordinary shares in Chimeric (New Shares) for every 3 fully paid ordinary shares in Chimeric at the issue price of $0.028 per New Share.
The results of the Entitlement Offer were announced on 7 December 2023, which raised approximately $4.5 million (before costs).
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