Aquarius Platinum Limited (Aquarius) is engaged in mine development, concentrate production and investment.
The Company is focused on exploration, development and acquisition of platinum group metals (PGM) projects, and mining of PGM. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 (fiscal 2009), the principal focus revolved around the operations of the Kroondal platinum mine, the Marikana platinum mine, the Mimosa platinum mine, the Everest platinum mine, the Platinum Mile joint venture and the Chrome Tailings Retreatment Plant.
During 2009, the Company’s total production was 455,675 PGM ounces despite suspension of operations at the Everest Mine.
The Company operates in two business segments: mining and exploration, and corporate and investment. Mining and exploration operations take place in South Africa and Zimbabwe, with administration functions in Australia and Bermuda. On July 6, 2009, Aquarius Platinum Limited acquired 100% interest in Ridge Mining plc.