Altech Batteries is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:ATC) and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE:A3Y).

Altech Batteries Limited is aiming to become one of the world's leading suppliers of 99.99% (4N) high purity alumina (HPA) (Al2O3).
HPA is a high-value product because it is the major source material for scratch-resistant artificial sapphire glass. Sapphire glass is used to produce a range of high-performance electronic applications such as LEDs, semi-conductors, phosphor display screens, as well as new emerging products such as smartphones and tablet devices. The global HPA market is approximately 19,040tpa (2014) and is expected to at least double over the coming decade.
Current HPA producers use an expensive and highly processed feedstock material such as aluminum metal to produce HPA.  Altech produces 4N HPA directly from an ore feedstock, aluminous clay, from its Meckering deposit in Western Australia. The Company is now advancing a Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) to develop a full-scale 4,000tpa HPA production facility. The Altech process employs conventional and proven “off-the-shelf” plant and technology to extract HPA from its low-cost and low-impurity aluminous clay feedstock, which results in lower operating costs.

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Nov 2024 03:05 PM
Altech Batteries (ASX:ATC) - W..
15 Nov 2024 - Martin Stein - CFO & Company Secretary - Altech Batteries Limited (ASX:ATC) is a specialty battery technology company that has a joint venture agreement with world-leading German battery institute Fraunhofer IKTS to commercialise the revolutionary CERENERGY Sodium Chloride Solid State Battery.

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