12 Sep, 2018 10:25 AM
Corporate Snapshot
- Key Statistics
- Current major activities
- Board
Back on the Global Stage
- Namibia at the forefront
- Focus on modest entry cost, conventional reservoirs with exposu...read more
18 Jul, 2018 10:34 AM
Pancontinental, Tullow Oil, ONGC Videsh, Paragon and Namibian Ministry visit drill ship in Namibia ahead of drilling
- Members of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia and Company representat...read more
18 Jun, 2018 11:46 AM
- Pancontinental has mapped extensive high-potential and oil-prone turbidite fan “fairways” in its PEL 87 Block, offshore Namibia.
- PEL 87 covers 10,947 km2 and is highly prospective f...read more
07 Jun, 2018 05:49 PM
- Studies are critically assessing deepening Tulainyo 2-7 to test a play with oil and gas-condensate potential below the current 1,800m drill depth.
- Oil or gas-condensate potential in the deeper ...read more
01 May, 2018 12:56 PM
Namibia Offshore
-A drill ship has been contracted by the PEL 37 joint venture to drill Cormorant-1 (PCL 20%). This highly anticipated well is scheduled to commence 1 September, 2018.
...read more
16 Apr, 2018 12:14 PM
- Testing has so far been conducted in two stages over a range of zones between total depth of 5,710 feet and 3,600 feet.
- Inflows of good quality gas at modest rates are currently being achieved ...read more
08 Mar, 2018 12:33 PM
- Rig contract executed to drill the Cormorant Prospect offshore Namibia, with a target spud date of 1 September, 2018.
- Pancontinental has an effective 20% interest in the project and will not in...read more
22 Feb, 2018 11:22 AM
- Test equipment is onsite at the Tulainyo gas discovery.
- Flow testing is expected to commence within the next week.
- Two tests, involving multiple potential conventional sandstone gas reserv...read more