12 Dec, 2017 08:54 AM
Genex Power Limited (ASX:GNX)(Genex or Company) is pleased to provide an update in relation to the development of the 270MW Kidston Stage 2 Solar project (K2-Solar) at Kidston, North Queensland. The K...read more
04 Dec, 2017 08:15 AM
Genex Power Limited (ASX:GNX) (Genex or Company) is pleased to announce that, following successful transformer energisation of the Kidston Solar Stage 1 Project (KS1 or Project) (refer ASX announcemen...read more
20 Oct, 2017 08:06 AM
Completion of optimisation study for K2-Hydro project
Optimised for 8 hours of continuous generation capability at 250MW for over 2,000MWh of energy storage (+25%)
Adoption of v...read more
28 Jun, 2017 11:59 AM
Genex Power Limited (ASX:GNX) (Genex or Company) is pleased to advise that the Hon. Dr Anthony Lynham, Minister for State Development in Queensland, has made two highly significant declarations in rel...read more
13 Jun, 2017 11:30 AM
Genex Power Limited (ASX:GNX) (Genex or Company) welcomes the recommendations contained within the report commissioned by the Federal and State Energy Ministers by Dr Alan Finkel, Australia’s Ch...read more
05 Jun, 2017 09:44 AM
Genex Power Limited (ASX:GNX) (Genex or Company) welcomes the announcement from the Hon. Annastacia Palasczcuk, Queensland State Premier, in relation to the development of transmission infrastructure ...read more