Date of Data Capture: 29/07/2020
Classification: Technology & IT Services
Current Price: $2.25
Market Capitalisation: $1.02 B
Forecast EBITDA Growth: 226.09%
Yield Estimate: 0.00%
Consensus Price Target: $2.73
# Covering Analysts: 7
Discount at Current Price: -21.33%
Price Target Trend (3-Month): Up-
Flat +28.17%
Signal Timeframe: Quarterly-Monthly-Daily
Trend Bias: Up-
Down / Long-Medium
Short-term: Positive-
Medium-term: Positive-
Long-term: Positive
Recommendation: Buy
Focus: Capital Growth
Set up Notes:
• We are returning to NEA as the online aerial photomapping specialist looks to shake off a period of slower 2020 growth, to chase old highs on firmer forecasting and fresh price strength.
• Performance has been mixed, with very strong growth leading into 2019 before moderating - but despite softer returns this year, forecasting sets up a strong earnings recovery trend out to 2022.
• After gaining 400% in two years, the rally ended mid-2019 and entered price consolidation, eventually falling more than 75% by March 2020 - here we find them midway through recovery and above major support with signs for a new potential longer-term uptrend emerging here.
Support ($): 2.25, 2.00, 1.75 & 1.50.
Resistance ($): 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00.