• High-quality, A-grade commercial building, 100% occupied, 11.1-year WALE
• 6-Stars NABERS energy rating, 6-Star Green Star Design rating
• Secured for single-asset, closed-ended unlisted fund, five-year term, 5.25% starting distribution
• Follows success of Centuria Government Income Property Fund (CGIPF)
SYDNEY (Wednesday, 8 September 2021) – Centuria Capital Group (ASX: CNI or “Centuria”) secured a $62.75million, A-Grade modern office building at 21-25 Nile Street, Port Adelaide, SA, for its new single-asset close-ended, unlisted real estate fund, Centuria Government Income Property Fund No. 2 (CGIPF2).
The building is 100% occupied by Shared Services SA (94%) and Urban Renewal Authority (6%) with a 11.1- year Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) and fixed annual rent reviews of c.3.00%p.a. The Nile Street asset was completed in 2018 and provides a 6-Stars NABERS energy rating and 6-Star Green Star Design rating.
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